Wednesday, October 29, 2008

My Skincare

The most frequent question I am asked is why I love makeup so much and the second is invariably what are my favorite products. When it comes to makeup I can rattle off a product I love in a split second but I tend to hold back when it comes to skincare.

I think it is time to come clean, so to speak. By and large I use Paula's Choice skincare with the exception of Olay Foaming Face Wash and prescriptions like Tri-Luma & Tazorac. None of the products I use are expensive or what I would call fancy and I guess that's where my reluctance to divulge comes in. I guess I feel a little frumpy next to girls who swear by some serum that is $100 an ounce and involves some exotic sounding cocktail of ingredients.

When it comes to skincare I am not willing to take as many chances and I want solid science to back up prices. I want packaging that makes sense (opaque and airtight) and can actually keep all those peptides and antioxidants stable and sanitary, which jar packaging is hopeless at.

Don't get me wrong, there are some great brands available out there sold in the drug and department stores, but there isn't a line that gets it right across the board.

I have been a big fan of Paula Begoun's books and her admirable research for years and have come to rely on her line for solid skincare that really works and lives up to it's claims.

The packaging is nothing that gets my heart fluttering but her Super Antioxidant Concentrate is amazing and feels weightless with a whole cadre of antioxidants packed in the tube. Her moisturizers are effective and tell the truth about what they can and can not do with some gel based choices for oily skin that I would cross a desert for. This line also has great acne control products, along with AHA and BHA gels that are unbeatable for the price and are the correct ph to exfoliate.

Nothing in this line is over $30 and samples are available for about a $1.

What about you my dear you find yourself wanting to love the pricey pretty stuff with the hope that it might work? There's no shame in admitting it because I would be right there with you. The lure of those well marketed gems in their luxurious packages is strong.

With technology constantly bringing newer and better wonder ingredients to market, each promising to better than the last, it can be hard to figure out what is worth trying. It would be great if a cream or serum could produce Botox-like results but I think in our hearts we know this is not possible. This is what sends me back to Paula every time and her marvelous Beautypedia.

I highly recommend her line of skincare and her guarantee and prices make it easy to try this stuff with confidence. As I said, you won't find crazy promises of a fountain of youth in a bottle but you will find well formulated products that are well priced and have kept my skin looking great through acne and aging.

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